The amazing center burning upturned log... no fire pit? no need... this is called a Swedish Candle; by cutting a X down the center of the log, you can start a small twiggy fire at the apex of the X, and it will burn down as far as you made the cut, and put its self out.
not the most prime example of chainsaw safety protocol, but at least he is wearing glasses right? cut the log, start a small fire, and you have a wonderful instant outdoor fire! you could even bury the log slightly in a pit, combine a few others cut the same, and make a larger or smaller candle!
when we lit it, it was a really nice self controled little fire, and if you cut an X on both bottom and top its a super efficient way to have a small and safe fire, and be efficient with the wood you have.
the X cut in the log allows air to flow through and heat the fire from below with updraft, and when it hits bottom, it smolders out. really cleaver fire making.
i wonder how many other ways you could cut a log, make art, or use this process of burning?