field of gold- wheat at 30 seconds, pin hole camera 120mm |
The universe is not personal-
Or so we hope. This has been a big theme in life over the last few months. what does the universe have in store for us that we cannot infinitely dream? how does it move around us and set us on these paths we could not yet predict?
for some of us humans these paths fall into our laps- they are chosen, fabricated, morphed, molded, kneaded, and sometimes simply form by happenstance. but the universe is not personal. it moves and sways, for eons to come, as well as eons past. it moves around our little blue planet with almost no care to what or who we are, silently, yet chaotically violent in its nature. it is peaceful too.
but why is this important? because for all our short stints on this tiny blue dot in the vast order of the universal realm we have one very important thing to remember- the universe is also very unforgiving. galaxies collide in a whirlwind of gas, suns, and solar systems without a single star being destroyed. whole stars them selves are dying and being birthed in "star nurseries" and far off galaxies. at any given point our whole existence can be swept under the galactic rug with one gravitational swoop of an asteroid, or a simple solar storm that could fry the very ozone or life from our planet.
so wait... again why is this important? because. it is. it is because we only have one small life to live and one very very important piece of galactic treasure- earth. and the minute we stop being the objectifying observer that separates them selves from the very intrinsic bond we have with nature and the universe, then in that very moment, can we see how precious and important our very contained and fragile little home is.
So no Attachments. let go, fully embrace your existence, and recognize that you only get one chance to live, and leave life and its home (planet, ecology, etc) better then you found it. because in the end what matters is what you leave behind for others to enjoy, have a chance to live as well, and as free as all of us. let go and let in the universe and see our selves as all the future past generations. then maybe we can live in harmony with the very ecology of the universe.